UCSI University Foundation Scholarships Awards

UCSI University Foundation Scholarships Awards. Yayasan Universiti UCSI menawarkan program beasiswa ke Malaysia 2011-2012 untuk pelajar Malaysia dan Internasional termasuk Indonesia. Berikut info beasiswa Malaysia dari UCSI University Foundation yang dapat Anda pertimbangkan:

Tan Sri Ahmad Razali Merit Scholarship Award
The Tan Sri Ahmad Razali (TSAR) Merit Scholarship Award is offered to deserving students who demonstrate excellent academic achievements, exemplary leadership attributes and active participation in extra-curricular activities.

Named after the late Tan Sri Ahmad Razali (Chairman of UCSI University Council from 1999 – 2001), this scholarship award provides full tuition fee waiver plus shared accommodation on campus throughout the student’s undergraduate study.

The TSAR Merit Scholarship Award is only opened to Malaysian students who enrolled in any of the degree or foundation programmes leading to a degree at UCSI University EXCEPT for Medicine and Pharmacy which have additional qualifying criteria set up by the respective school which need to be satisfied through direct application.

UCSI University Foundation Scholarship Award
The UCSI University Foundation Scholarship Award is opened to Malaysian and International students enrolled in any of the degree or foundation programmes leading to a degree at UCSI University, EXCEPT for Medicine and Pharmacy.

Current student who show excellent grades and track record while at UCSI University, may apply for UCSI University Foundation Scholarship Award.

This scholarship award offers full or partial tuition fee waiver to candidates who demonstrate outstanding academic achievements and active participation in extracurricular activities.

UCSI University Foundation A-Level Scholarship Award
This offers to Malaysian and International students students pursuing the London Examinations Modular GCE A-Level programme at the UCSI University. It is opened to those who obtained at least 7A+/As in the SPM or O-Levels Examination in the year of application.


Malaysia Student: 15 Agustus 2011.
International Student: 29 Juli 2011.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai beasiswa ke Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, dari UCSI University tersebut, dapat Anda akses di situs resminya: http://www.ucsiufoundation.com/scholarship/scholarships.asp ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ranking: 5
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